Payment Options

There are multiple way you can pay for your item 


Important Information


We accept payments for your orders in many ways like Bank transfer (NEFT, IMPS, UPI, Cheq, cash deposit). Payment links using ATM card, Debit cards/ Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard etc etc ) International Credit Cards, Paytm, On website payment gateway. 

At the time of processing payment please mention your valid details.

Please Select any of the method given below and provide us your payment transaction details via this form, via email or whatsapp. It will take max 1-2 business day to verify your payment and after that your order will be processed. If you proceed for cancellation then any convenience fee is chargeable and you have to cancel the order before 4pm or the same day if ordered before 4pm and before getting the tracking detail of the order. 

For COD Order Advance payment you can pay min 10% of the value of total order.
You need to enter amount manually.


 Select your Payment Method


By Credit/Online Payment

Click To below link:
Bank Transfer



👉👉👉 Google pay 9352551391

👉👉👉 Phone pe : 9352551391

👉👉👉 Paytm : 9352551391

👉👉👉 NetBanking

Bank Name : AU Small Finance Bank ,

Branch Name : DCM JAIPUR


IFSC Code : AUBL0002449

Account Name: Rajasthan Fabric and textiles
Account Type : Current Account

Account Number : 2121244935139651

Please Share Screenshot Once Done. 





After payment, please send screen shot with order id on email us at Or send us whatapp at +91 7300004262, +91 9352551391